Using machinery.

Photo of electrical cables placed overhead.

  • Electrical cables should be placed overhead and securely tracked. Never place cables across the table or floor.

  • Electrical cables should be maintained on a regular basis by a qualified electrician.

Diagram of a cutting machine, with the following parts indicated and labelled: rear guard, foot guard, base plate, castors, blade, sharpening block.

  • Do not leave cutting machines unattended or running while you are doing other tasks.

  • Check machinery regularly and remove lint and fluff in the base plates and castors.

  • Follow manufacturer's directions for oiling and lubricating machine parts. Take care when oiling as oil can stain or mark fabric.

  • The guards need to be positioned to protect the operator, but also allow the machine to move freely with minimum fabric movement. Use guards when cutting:

    • The rear guard that covers the balance wheel should always be kept closed.
    • The foot guard, around the blade, should be fully down, just above the fabric plies.
  • Sharpen blades regularly. Blunt blades can damage fabric and also cause accidents. Use sharpening blocks or emery wheel located on the machine, but be careful of sparks. Do this during and between cutting sessions and replace sharpeners regularly as they wear out.

  • When a new blade is fitted, test it and sharpen it. Remember that the blade should face away from the operator.

  • Keep objects and your hands away from the path of the machinery. Otherwise, accidents can occur.

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